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Volume 44, Number 2 March/April 1993

In This Issue

March/April 1993
Across the High Atlas
Written by Louis Werner
Photographed by David Melody
From frowning family fortress in the higher elevations to almond blossoms and young alfalfa lower down, Morocco's High Atlas mountains offer history, scenery and sally ports that open on the country's south.
The Arabs in Occitania
Written by Ian Meadows
Photographed by Tor Eigeland

The Battle of Toulouse blunted Arab military expansion into southern France, but settlers, scholars, traders and troubadours joined in a rich blending of disparate cultures that helped shape the Europe of the future.

A Commitment to Excellence
Written by Jane Waldron Grutz

Saudi Aramco sends its very best and brightest to North American schools for advanced training, turning talented, well-educated employees into world-class healers, problem-solvers and innovators.

Fortress of the Mountain
Written and photographed by John Feeney

Eight centuries of history haunt Cairo's Citadel. Founded by Saladin, altered and expanded by nearly every Egyptian ruler since, the unchallenged fortress has become a maze of mosques, palaces and defenseworks.

The People Persist
Written and photographed by Bill Strubbe

Farmers, weavers, traders and fishermen, the Muslim Chams of Vietnam and Kampuchea are the descendants of a great civilization of traders and builders that flowered between the sixth and ninth centuries.